Catchment runoff is increasingly intercepted for human activities linked of he production of food and timber, from MEA 2003
The ecosystem service value of rivers was revealed clearly by the National Ecosystem Assessment (NEA), but the NEA also revealed that:
- River ecosystems deliver multiple functions and services that are undervalued
- There is good background knowledge on the response of river organisms to environmental change, but major gaps about their role in ecosystem services.
Specifically for upland river ecosystems:
- These high quality headwaters provide more than 80% of water abstraction in the UK
- Changes to headwaters permeate downstream to estuaries, transitional waters and coastal systems
- Rural upland areas are at risk from both land use development and climate change
- Rivers require an integrated physical, ecological and socio-economic perspective
- There is significant conservation importance through the EU Habitats Directive (93/43/EEC) and UK Biodiversity Action Plan